Who are David Lancaster Associates (DLA)?
DLA is a firm of consultants with decades of experience working with practices and pharmacies to procure partnership solutions.
Health centre pharmacy tenancies has been our main focus with hundreds of completed multidisciplinary health centres that continue to benefit the practice, the pharmacy and of course their mutual patients.
We are also convinced that NHS Pharmacy First has the potential to deliver significant commercial synergies if the commissioning gap between general practice and pharmacy can be efficiently bridged with modern digital systems such as Referral Flow.
Establishing Synergy between Practices and Pharmacies
With our primary care experience, we understand the requirements for patient referrals from the general practice perspective and the operational issues from the pharmacy perspective.
This understanding was vital in the development of Referral Flow that benefits everyone involved and offers a long-term expanded solution that helps reduce patient wait times, demand for appointments and strain on the surgeries and their staff.

Network and Associated Links
We have an experienced team of consultants and a very well connected network of associates and other professionals with whom we have co-worked over the years.
GPs often find these connections helpful, especially where they are planning a self-build or major renovation.
Personal Approach from Start to Finish
Our involvement in over 300 projects has taught us that each is different with their own peculiar issues & conditions arising.
Gareth will personally lead on each project, ensuring that all clients benefit from advice, knowledge, and precedent solutions drawn from our many years of experience.

Gareth McCague Pharmacist DipM MBA
Gareth has over 30 years of pharmacy experience, latterly in healthcare service development, service redesign and consultancy.
He joined David Lancaster Associates after many years of heading the professional services development team at Lloyds Pharmacy.